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Coenzyme Q-10 Should Be Taken with Vitamin E
Washington DC, 19 May 2003

The popular dietary supplement CoQ-10—or Coenzyme Q-10—should be taken with Vitamin E, the University of California at Berkeley's Wellness Letter recommends.

CoQ-10 has been the focus of increased scientific study and, while not approved for therapeutic use in the US, the vitamin-like compound is an "accepted treatment for cardiovascular disease in Japan," the publication said in its May issue.

"CoQ-10 is one of many substances in the body that tend to decline as people age or develop certain diseases (such as some cardiac conditions, Parkinson's disease and asthma)," the Wellness Letter reported. But the question remains, it said, whether lower levels of CoQ-l0 actually cause disease or whether supplemental doses will combat disease or reverse the effects of aging.

Researchers at the University of California at San Diego recently found that large doses of CoQ-10—"along with Vitamin E"—appeared to slow progression of early-stage Parkinson's disease, the Wellness Letter said.

"It reduced the decline in neurological function and improved daily life," the publication said. It noted, however, that the California study was small and researchers say a larger trial is needed.

As a practical matter, the Wellness Letter said, people who have heart disease or Parkinson's should consider CoQ-10 as "adjunct therapy." If you take CoQ-10, "the supplements seem to be safe" and "no serious side effects have been reported."

Finally, the Wellness Letter said, "take Vitamin E if you take CoQ-10. These two substances work together, at least in lab studies."


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