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Vitamin E Seen as Preventing Early Artery Damage; Women May Need More Vitamin E Than Men
Washington DC, 25 October 2002

New research at two leading institutions -- Johns Hopkins in Baltimore and the University of California at Berkeley -- has found that Vitamin E helps prevent oxidation leading to early artery damage, and that women may need higher amounts of antioxidant vitamins than men to counter oxidation.

Cornell University's "Food and Fitness Advisor," a publication of Weill Medical College that is designed to "help women live healthier, more active lives," reports in the coming November issue on the studies.

At Johns Hopkins, researchers conducting a clinical trial found that Vitamin E and Vitamin C, both known as effective antioxidants, appear to prevent early artery damage -- when taken separately, but not together.

[Editor's note: The abstract of this research indicates that when vitamins E and C are taken together, there is no synergistic increase in benefits. However, taking both vitamins together does provide the same level of benefits associated with each vitamin alone.]

The two-month trial involved 184 non-smoking adults who were middle-aged or older. Four daily regimens were tested: 400 international units (IU) of Vitamin E alone, 500 milligrams a day of Vitamin C alone, both vitamins taken together, and a placebo pill.

Both Vitamin E and Vitamin C reduced oxidation of blood fats, which can play a key role in early formation of plaque that clogs arteries.

Results of the trial have been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (see citation in sources, below). The researchers noted that food intake alone doesn't provide the necessary level of Vitamin E, a finding of many previous studies recommending additional Vitamin E in supplement form.

At the University of California at Berkeley, preliminary research has found that women may experience more oxidation than men, leading to suggestions that women may need higher amounts of antioxidant vitamins such as Vitamin E to fight off the damaging oxidation.


Han-Yao Huang, Lawrence J Appel, Kevin D Croft, Edgar R Miller, III, Trevor A Mori and Ian B Puddey. Abstract of " Effects of vitamin C and vitamin E on in vivo lipid peroxidation: results of a randomized controlled trial." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 76, No. 3, 549-555, September 2002.

Foods for the Future, via PR Newswire.end-of-story


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