Information (Use of Plants by Indigenous Peoples)
those who seek a fuller understanding of the biological, environmental
and ethnic roots of medicine and healing substances as they occur
in nature, here is an entryway into a world of unending fascination.
While much of the content here is academic in orientation, the rain
forest, primeval woods and world of indigenous peoples beckon just
another click beyond the database entries. Spend time here and soon
you'll understand what motivates more and more people to seek dietary
supplements and medicinal remedies in their natural form.
Indian Ethnobotany Database
This is an enlarged version of the original Medicinal Plants of
Native America DataBase. It now includes foods, drugs, dyes,
fibers and other uses of 4,029 plants. This database can
be searched with text strings and Booleans (AND, OR, NOT).
Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases, U.S. Agricultural
Research Service
This database allows a variety of searches by specific plant,
chemical, biochemical activity, or ethnobotanical use. Information
on toxicity (lethal dose levels) is available. Searching
for a specific plant returns a listing of all chemical compounds
in that plant together with a list of references concerning those
chemicals and their biological actions in the body. Searching
by ethnobotanical use gives a listing of the various ways that
Native Americans have used a specific plant.
Ethnobotanical Dictionary
This dictionary contains alphabetically arranged listings of both
plants and medical conditions. The medical conditions include
a summary of the plants used to treat them by indigenous peoples.