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Vendors/Manufacturers of High-Quality Supplements

The hunt for high-quality supplements can be confusing, frustrating, and time-consuming. Here are links to vendors and manufacturers of supplements that we believe to be high quality.

You may also want to investigate lists of passing brands at NSF International, the National Nutritional Foods Association, the U.S. Pharmacopeia, and ConsumerLab.com (see our story Four Websites List Quality Products and Companies).

Barlean's Organic Oils

Barlean's Organic Oils presses flax seed on the same day orders are received, then ships them out the next morning via 3-day air to refrigerated shelves in retail stores. Consumers receive flax seed oils that are as fresh as those produced by small seed oil pressers a century ago.

Life Extension Foundation (LEF)

The Life Extension Foundation both supports and conducts longevity research. LEF stays abreast of all results that are relevant to long term health and longevity—and then manufactures dietary supplements based on the latest scientific findings.

Our Health Co-op

Our Health Co-op's GuidoOur Health Co-op provides affordable, high-quality supplements to seniors, many of whom are on fixed incomes. The Co-op tests all its supplements through an independent, 3rd party laboratory that is especially knowledgable about testing dietary supplements—and goes to the extraordinary length of publishing the test results on its website!

Pharmanex LifePak

Pharmanex is an official Olympic sponsor of the 2000, 2003 and 2004 US Olympic teams—and the only company providing nutritional supplements to the US Olympic Training Centers. Pharmanex LifePak is a scientifically validated, comprehensive nutritional supplementation program with anti-aging antioxidants.



Other Links:

Consumer empowerment:

Information about specific supplements

Consumer publications & information

Consumer advocacy groups

Healthcare practitioners and alternative medicine

Suppliers of high-quality supplements

Sources of research information:

General scientific research information

Databases of scientific literature


NCCAM research on specific health issues

Ethnobotanical information (Use of plants by indigenous peoples)

Industry resources:

Trade organizations

Trade publications

Government regulation:

DSHEA: Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act

US government agencies

Codex Alimentarius Commission (UN)

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